SURE32 grinding system - based on a CNC Sinumerik 840D
SURE32 is a highly efficient control system of roll grinding machines - developed from Vosswinkel based on decades of experience. The system originated and further grows to do justice to the demands of the practise:
- grinding of rolls with any highly accurate profiles.
- calculation any ball forms up to and including CVC - curves
- pre-, finish , and precision machining of work and backup rolls
- grinding of cylindrical and hollow and spherical cambered rollers
- grinding tapered roll neck
- grinding of rolls with chocks
- measurement of the ground roll in the grinder
- surveying online, during grinding or offline
(that is, after completion of the grinding process) - logging of the entire grinding process
- numerical and graphical documentation of the finished ground roll barrel
- easily create the grinding programs via universal cycles
- various functions such as grinding surface grinding , taper grinding , plunge grinding , screw grinding, cone grinding
- creating and Enabling bed path corrections
- align the roller in the machine using the probes
- grinding wheel Management
- curve programming and management
- linear, circular and diameter measurement
- automatic or manual putting on of the probe to the roller
- measure with target- curve comparison and representation of a tolerance curve
- calculate and grinding of the correction curves from target - actual - Comparison
- consideration of factors such as machine bed errors , errors due to Temperature and roll weight , as well as errors of the infeed by machine geometry and possible misalignment of the roll
- create the machine documentation
- user-friendly screens for service, setting and commissioning
- on-site commissioning and operator training
- worldwide service of the control system